Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Mentor: The Kid and The CEO by Tom Pace

     I was forced to read this book in my english class at school. My first thought was "Oh my gosh, I can't belikeve I have to read this. This isn't the type of books I usually read. What's the point?" Despite my hesitation, I began the short 150 page book and instantly got into it!
     The main charactor, Tony, is arrested and put in jail for stealing beer with his friend from a gas station at 19 years old. They would have gotten away with it had his friend made sure to fill the gas tank in the get away car. They only made it about half a mile down the road when the truck ran out of gas and they were both arrested. Repeatively through the first couple of chapters, Tony complains about how it "wasn't his fault that he was caught. If his friend had just put gas in the car, everything would be fine." He honestly believed that it wasn't his fault that he got caught, although he willingly stole the beer while under age in the first place.
     While in jail, Tony meets Malcom, the Monday night group leader, who gives him a book called "The Greatest Miracle In The World." This book inspires tony to becomea better person when he get out of jail. Malcom eventually becomes Tony's mentor when he has finished serving his 90 days in prison. Malcom teaches him how to become a better person and to start his own business.
     I found this to be an extremely inspiring book that I suggest for everyone to read! Tom Pace is an incredible author and an even better human being and mentor. If you have not already heard of Tom Pace, I high reccommend that you search him on Google and read about his truely amazing story.
     Hopefully you will take my advise and read this story and continue to share it with others as I have with you.  I hope that you also find it as encouraging as I do and will think about finding your own mentor! There is a list at the back of the book of titles that you should aslo read along with a list of things that we should all do in our lives to mke us better people for ourselves and others!

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